A New Era of Leadership
On behalf of the Sanders family, the Global Board thanks you for the years you have invested in supporting and praying for Martin and the Global Associates as they have served leaders around the globe. At the memorial service, we were encouraged not to admire Martin, but to emulate him in the ways he loved God and people. We know that his legacy will carry on as we all commit to such purposeful living.
The Global Leadership Board is excited to announce that Global Leadership will continue in its same mission to invest in leaders under a new President:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Global Leadership, Inc. have determined that Chuck Davis be elected president of the organization, to succeed our recently deceased president, Martin Sanders. Chuck and Ingrid Davis have served as Associates of the organization for many years, impacting countless individuals around the world, as they have faithfully presented the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Following the passage of the resolution, each board member shared their confidence in Chuck and Ingrid to lead Global Leadership into this next chapter, declaring their ongoing support. The Board enthusiastically affirmed:
“that God had moved our hearts to entrust this beloved organization to the care of Chuck and Ingrid Davis, whom we had each known for many years. We know that God will use their gifts and talents, along with their strong work ethic, to see lives changed around the world and the Gospel of Jesus Christ advanced.”
While Chuck and Ingrid have been Global Associates since 2002, they have served in several vocational ministry roles for the church, academy, and mission for over 40 years. You can read more about their past callings to lead and to serve below.
We ask for your ongoing partnership with Global Leadership through prayer and financial support. Several of you asked about opportunities to give in celebration of Martin’s life. You can give a legacy gift in honor of Martin and the impact he had (and continues to have) on your life at www.globalleadershipinc.org/give. You can also continue to use this giving portal for your ongoing monthly support of the mission and vision of Global Leadership. Thank you!
About: Chuck and Ingrid Davis
Chuck Davis has served in vocational ministry for nearly 40 years. He has served as a small church pastor in the U.S. and France, missionary church planter, evangelist and Field Director in Mali, and seminary professor at Alliance Theological Seminary. From 2007-2018 he served as the Lead Pastor of Stanwich Church, a multi-staff, multi-campus, multi-cultural and multi-socio-economic church, located in Greenwich and Stamford, Connecticut. Over that period, he continued to teach as an adjunct professor at various seminaries and Bible Schools around the world.
Chuck transitioned from Stanwich Church in 2018, so that he could partner with his wife, Dr. Ingrid Davis, in an itinerant ministry focused on the development and care of leaders for church and mission. Since launching Global Lead, they have ministered on 6 continents and in multiple sites around the United States and Canada.
Ingrid Davis is a gifted speaker, teacher, mentor, and certified leadership coach. Ingrid earned a BS in education at Nyack College, an MA in Intercultural Studies, and a doctorate in Global Leadership at Alliance Theological Seminary.
Her passion is to grow and develop leaders to transform lives and communities. She is a graduate of the Arrow Leadership program and is currently working as one of their facilitators and executive coaches. She has taught course at Alliance Theological Seminary and at other international seminaries. Ingrid specializes in Soul Care and Inner Healing, leadership coaching, missional training, and character-based leadership development. She speaks itinerantly around the globe.
Chuck had an early calling to vocational ministry. He graduated with a BA in Bible at Nyack College. He later earned an MDiv at Alliance Theological Seminary (ATS), an MA in Intercultural Studies (ATS) and a PhD in Sociology at Fordham University. He has a special interest in training church leaders to exegete culture for evangelism and mission, and empowering leaders in spiritual warfare for the advancement of the kingdom of God. With his multiple ministry contexts – small and large church, field missionary and mission director, seminary professor – and with his multi-cultural and diverse socio-economic experiences - Chuck brings a wealth of practical experience and understanding to growing leaders and ministry settings.
Ingrid began her adult vocational life as a 1st grade teacher and stay-at-home mom, serving alongside Chuck in their various assignments. During the years in Mali, Ingrid engaged in lifestyle evangelism, Bambara curriculum creation, bookkeeper for the medical ministries and liason supervisor of the literature center. When Chuck transitioned to Stanwich Church, Ingrid invested in her own credentials and development as a leadership coach. She is the founder of Leadership Coaching International.
Chuck and Ingrid have been married for 41 years and have partnered together in ministry in their mutual calling to serve family, church, and mission.
Chuck and Ingrid have three adult children and a son and daughter-in-law, all of whom are settled well in their respective chapters of life and are on mission with God serving in vocations outside of the church. They also have four grandsons.
Chuck has published four books and continues to maintain a daily podcast.
Speak up! God is Listening. Listen up! God is Speaking. Beaufort Books, 2020
Jonah and Me: On Mission with God, Beaufort Books, 2017
Jonas y Yo: En Mision con Dios (Jonah and Me in Spanish), © 2022 por Chuck Davis.
Leadership Wisdom: Growing in the Art of Leadership, Beaufort Books, 2016
The Bold Christian, Beaufort Books, 2013
El Cristiano Atrevido (The Bold Christian in Spanish), Beaufort Books, 2013